After the shop and the news is the service desk the third site which get a new design.
Improved clarity for all articles.
You can browse between the FAQ and the news anytime. You can find answers for some of the most common questions.
If you could not find the answer you are looking for, feel free the open a new request via the button „Anfrage einreichen“. Here you find the contact form.
You can review the state of a support ticket under „Meine Aktivitäten“.
Important: Please note, that your Shop-Password is not automatically the Service-Password!
If you’ve communicated with our support staff through email previously, you’re already registered. You probably don’t have a password yet, though.
You can get one here:
Of course nobody has to use the Servicecenter. You can get the same help if you use the email address
We hope we could help you.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Best Regards,
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